Monday, March 7, 2016
If you suspect you have Autism Spectrum Disorder (or Asperger's- I go back and forth on how I choose to self-identify), I highly recommend taking the Aspie Quiz. I chose to go directly to the test, and after responding to 121 descriptions, I received my score:

Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 167 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 53 of 200
You are very likely neurodiverse (Aspie)

My results didn't surprise me that much since I had already done enough reading to know that I have full-blown Aspie traits. Although I was initially relieved to understand why I've been so different all my life, my happiness gave way to doubt and sadness.  If only my counselors would have recognized my symptoms when I was younger; I had to go 37 years not knowing a very crucial piece of my identity. If only my mother would have known why I often seemed so cold and unattached to her; when I was a child, I was resistant to hugs and outward signs of affection and didn't know how to verbalize my feelings. Everything was locked up inside of me, and I preferred to play on my own rather than socialize with other children. I could lose myself in my own imaginary world for hours at a time and had enormous difficulty accepting change. If only, if only . . .

The purpose of this blog is to share my own experience in hopes of encouraging other late diagnosed Aspies. In my case, I've had very few positive experiences with the psychological community; various counselors diagnosed me with Generalized Anxiety Disorder years ago but never identified the root of the problem. When I was in middle school and having extreme difficulties socializing with other children, the therapist just said I was shy and that I needed to exert myself more (easier said than done, as any Aspie knows!). At this point, I've read numerous books on the subject and have found journaling and practicing yoga helpful. 

I plan on sharing posts relates to parenting as an Aspie; work-related Aspie issues; counseling and Aspies; divorce; Asperger's in women; late diagnosis of ASD; and more.